About Midwest Single Source
Since our start in 1976, Midwest Single Source has been a single source for all of you business needs. Midwest Single Source allows our customer the ability to consolidate business purchasing needs into one location, allowing customers to maximize their business spending. Today we are well known for next-day delivery of office supplies, and the ability to provide over one million promotional products. We also provide furniture, printing, mailroom solutions, and expert consulting services. Midwest Single Source has most recently expanded their corporate apparel division with the addition of embroidery and screen printing equipment. We are headquartered in Wichita with locations in Topeka and Oklahoma City.
1976 | John H. Osborne Founds Forms Management

Only four hours into a new job, John H. Osborne was inspired to become his own boss and start a company that took care of all of a businesses needs in one place. That is when Forms Management was created. After gaining a few clients it was clear that his entrepreneurial spirt and passion for customer service would be the foundation for his new company for years to come

1987 | Topeka Branch Opens
1988 | Beal Office Supplies was Purchased
1990 | Moved Into Current Building

After the purchase of Beal Office Supplies in 1988, Forms management purchased Goldsmith's Office Supplies and moved into the building that we still call home today

1992 | Forms Management Began Going By Single Source
1999 | Digital Print Center Began
Single Source purchased a printer and inserter. The Digital Print Center took the place of the previous retail portion of the office
2009 | New logo & Mascot

The Logo we recognize today was created by the Greteman Group. It was originally seen as a diamond shape and featured the tag line "Moving Business Forward"

Midwest Single Source's "Running Man" Was Debuted in the November 2009 issue of Print Solutions
2017 | New Printing and Apparel Machines are Purchased | "Running Man" was renamed to Max
UV coater, business card cutter, and TNF decorator were purchased to improve Midwest Single Source's Digital Print Center. Embroidery machine was purchased to begin internal apparel production